Academic Opportunities

Are you eager to go on an exchange or are you interested in taking courses here in Canada that focus on Ukrainian language, history or politics?


We are continuously updating our list of exchange programs and Ukrainian courses — have a look at the links below!


Post-secondary institutions must ensure they stand and act in solidarity with the Ukrainains and the international community in condemning this senseless and brutal attack on the principles of sovereignty, democracy, and humanity. We request that Ukrainian international students from Ukraine be granted the opportunity to pay “domestic” fees rather than “international” tuition fees, regardless if they are granted refugee status from the Government of Canada.

This is due to several factors, including the lack of access to monetary funds and the drops in currency. International Ukrainian students studying in Canada must be able to continue their studies in the coming semesters and by offering them domestic tuition, along with emergency bursaries and assistance, they will be able to do so. We encourage post-secondary institutions to consider how other Central and Eastern European students are impacted as well and extend their support.

Students are highly motivated to continue and complete their education, their studies should not be put at risk or sacrificed due to aggression and war in their home country.Institutions must provide clear steps for the streamlined acceptance and admittance of Ukrainian students and scholars.

There must be frameworks set in place and publicly communicated to ensure that students and scholars who are displaced and seek to continue their education in Canada may do so. Tuition, living, and relief assistance are all factors that should be considered.


SUSK has put together a spreadsheet of resources available for International Ukrainian Students. We will be updating this regularly.

If you know of additional supports for International Ukrainian Students’ please email them to:  with subject link: Support for UKR INT Students – additional resources